Tuesday, October 21, 2008

King Richard the Lion Hearted (1157-1199)

King Richard, Whose great individual courge in the battle earned him the title coeurde de lion(the Lion-Hearted) took charge of the Third crusade and became one of the medieval Europe's greatest millitary leaders. He`s biggest challeges was taking down the Muslims and getting them away from the land. In the spring of 1199, Richard besieges the castle of the archbishop of Limoges because the latter refused to turn over a harde of gold discovered by a peasant former. During a minor skirmish, Richard,leading his soldiers, as usual, received a wound in the choulder from a crossbow arrow. Gangrene set in, and Richard died on April 6 at age of forty-one.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Alliteratism Poem

Brave Beowulf, the strongest of the giants, greater and stronger then anyone anywhere in this world, come to stop the monsters and giants for his people, to put an end to the great Grendel, for the great sake of his people, and the land. The chose of the people and the killing will come to an end, thinks to Beowulf. But Beowulf would not give up, and give it all he got`s for the people, Beowulf is the god of war greater and stronger then even Grendel when he gave him a great gasp and tern him aport. His people were happy because they don`t have to be worried anymore, for Beowulf bravery, Beowulf servived the fight against Grendel.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What I acomplish of my 15 gouls!

I gotten stronger then before, my second goal I've have accomplish was that I got my first girlfriend and I really like her and I`m happy.